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+370 672 87910




About Us

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+370 672 87910

Cookies policy

Who we are

Details of the data controller:
Studija “nytt”, MB
Company code: 305954627
Director: Ignas Lesauskas
Address: Nepriklausomybės g. 18A-8, LT-86177 Kelmė Phone: +370 672 87910



What are cookies and how do they work?
The website uses cookies. Cookies are text files that, with your consent, are saved in the browser of a device (e.g. computer, mobile phone, tablet) when you browse the website and collect information about your browsing.

When you visit the website for the first time, cookies are transferred to your computer and are later used to distinguish your computer from other computers, they ensure a more convenient use of the website and allow us to improve the website. This is a common practice of browsing websites, which facilitates browsing on your already visited website and simplifies access to published information.

What cookies do we use?
In order to ensure that you can use the website more conveniently and efficiently, we use the following cookies:

How do I remove cookies from my device?
To prevent your personal data from being processed with the help of cookies, you can change the settings of your internet browser so that cookies are not accepted, or delete saved cookies.
You can change the cookie settings in your browser at any time. All browsers have the option to delete cookies. More detailed instructions depend on the browser you are using, you can find them in the options menu of the browser you are using:

More information:

We note that removing or blocking the cookies used may affect the operation of the website and some of its functionalities, as well as may negatively affect your use of the services available on the portal.


Contact Information
Studija “nytt”, MB
Company code: 305954627
Director: Ignas Lesauskas
Address: Nepriklausomybės g. 18A-8, LT-86177 Kelmė Phone: +370 672 87910


How we protect your data
We take appropriate technical and organizational measures (data encryption, security measures against unauthorized access to this website (e.g. two-factor authentication), staff training in the field of data protection) to ensure the protection of all data against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss , alteration, disclosure and other unauthorized forms of processing.


What data protection procedures we use
Data encryption, security measures to prevent unauthorized access to the website, staff training in the field of data protection.


What third parties we receive data from
We do not receive data from third parties.